Our Mission
Wonder of Science fosters a STEM culture that empowers and increases capability for positive student and societal outcomes via access to high-quality, evidence-based STEM education. Specifically, a culture where all students, their teachers, parents and other community members understand and value the importance and potential of Science, and STEM pathways and careers.
Donate to support high-quality STEM education in Queensland schools
With your donation, support our team of expert scientists and engineers to visit school students and teachers across Queensland to inspire and educate the next generation of critical thinkers.
An Award Winning Program
Winner - Women in Technology 2023 Raising the Regions Award
Winner - 2024 Department of Industry and Resources Eureka Prize for STEM inclusion.
Winner - 2024 Falling Walls Engage Science Engagement
Winner – 2024 Australian Council of Graduate Research Award for Excellence in Graduate Research Programs and Support
Winner - 2024 UQ Excellence Award for community
Finalist – Women in Technology 2023 Lifting Communities and Excellence in STEM Education and Research Awards
Finalist – 2024 Engagement Australia Award for Excellence in Student and/or Alumni Engagement
Read more here.
Young Science Ambassador visits to schools and inspiring STEM Challenge Tasks for Years 4 - 9 students are just the beginning of what Wonder of Science offers schools across Queensland.
We offer tailored professional development as well as unit and lesson plans for teachers supports implementation of the Wonder of Science program in schools. We also offer bespoke programs, one-off visits and events.
Follow the links below to find out more and email Wonder of Science: wonderofscience@uq.edu.au if you’d like to get involved.
STEM Inquiry - Challenging, real-world tasks aligned to the Australian Curriculum
Wonder of Science challenge tasks immerse Years 4 - 9 students in authentic and collaborative inquiry. Students develop critical and creative thinking skills as they are challenged to develop a group response to a real-world problem or scenario. Representative teams are chosen to attend regional student conferences to present their response and showcase their work.
Young Science Ambassadors - Bringing STEM to life
Selected PhD researchers from leading Queensland universities visit participating schools to work with students on their challenge tasks, and support them to develop a group presentation. The ambassadors are inspiring role models for both students and teachers. The ambassadors support implementation of Wonder of Science, and judge presentations at the student conferences.
Student Conferences - Aspirational regional and state student showcases
Representative teams from participating schools are invited to present their challenge task response and compete against other schools at a one-day regional student conference. In addition, students have the opportunity to participate in ‘Speed-meet-the-Scientist’ activities and workshops.
Strategic Partnerships - Linking schools, universities, industry groups, non-profit organisations & government agencies
Wonder of Science fosters partnerships between schools and the wider community through our partner organisations. Our university partners host student conferences and provide students for the Young Science Ambassador program. Industry partners attend student conferences to provide workshops and judge student presentations.