Wonder of Science 2021 YSA Celebration
/Presenting our Patron, Professor Ian Frazer (AC FRCPE FRCPA FAA FTSE) at the annual WoS Ambassador Celebration Event last Wednesday evening – SO exciting to announce this and to have Caroline Frazer (UQ 2021 Alumnus of the Year) join us also!! You can see us all ‘chilled-out’ here following the evening formalities… when we also announced that the Frazer Family Foundation will support a special WoS program for underprivileged students (and their teachers) next year, AND that David Sutton, Young Science Ambassador from QUT was our first ‘Gordon Dunlop Medal’ recipient for his outstanding contribution to WoS and schools across Queensland over the past four years. There’s more to come with the WoS State Conference in late November plus a lot to look forward to at WoS in 2022, so watch this space!